Posts in Travel
Packing for a Month Long Trip with 4 Carry-Ons

Our family of 7 is gearing up for a month long vacation exploring parts of Europe. Now that all of the planning is done, I am shifting gears to think about packing. By nature, we are quite minimalistic, but even more so when it comes to packing for our trips. When you have a large family, I think it is particularily important to minimize that amount of stuff you’re carrying with you. It is hard enough to keep track of everyone and also fit everything into cars, cabs, etc. Reducing the amount of luggage will alleviate some of the stress on travel days.

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Travel Planning with a Family of 7

Our family is often known for prioritizing travel, and we’ve been fortunate to do quite a bit with our family over the years. We took quite a break from our big international trips when Covid hit and we simultaneously had 4 babies in 4 years, plus 2 cross-country moves. Life has settled down a bit for us, and we are finally ready to get back in the saddle.

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Top Travel Tips with Children

Ron and I have always enjoyed traveling and exploring the world, even before we met each other. In fact, our shared love of travel was one of the things that drew us to each other nearly 13 years ago. I actually didn’t grow up flying and traveling internationally. I am from a small town in Oklahoma, and the first time I ever flew on an airplane was when I was 19 (all the way to Germany!). This ignited something in me though, and I quickly found a passion for traveling the world.

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Traveling with Little Ones

A couple of years ago, I wrote this blog post, sharing some tips and tricks for traveling with little ones. Pandemic aside, we travel a lot. In the last 7 years, we’ve traveled to 20 states, and 5 countries with our four children (and a couple international trips without kids!). Ron & I both loved to travel before ever meeting each other, and we didn’t want to stop once we had children. Of course travel looks very different now than it did 10 years ago. I’ll be honest, it’s a lot of work, it’s stressful at times, and not always restful. (Am I selling you on traveling with kids yet?) But at the end of the day, it’s so worth it. The memories we’ve shared with our children, the cultures they’ve experienced, the sheer beauty of this world, are all indescribably worth it.

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