Fynnlan Seeley- 51 Weeks
51 weeks old
Fynn is 51 weeks old today! Only one week left before my baby is a one year old!! This year has absolutely flown by! I'll save the emotional post for next week though ;)
This week, Fynn had his first dentist appointment! He did great, and everything looked good, and his lip had healed nicely from his ER trip a month ago.
Fynn also is a full blown walker now. Nothing can stop this guy! It's so funny to watch him walk, he always holds onto his right ear haha!
Fynn has started to get a little pickier with eating. Like his sister at this age, he doesn't like pasta anymore and is starting to be picky with his vegetables. He will eat just about anything else no problem.
Fynn went for his first bike ride in the bike trailer this week! He loved it. Aly held onto him the whole time haha. We finished off the ride with a stop at Discovery Playground. Playground trips are certainly more fun for him now that he can walk.
Love this little man!