Alynne Tiffany- 2 Years, 8 Months
Another month has passed by with Miss Alynne! Where is time going?! Here is some things that have happened this month with her:
Gigi and Bop came to visit for a weekend while Gigi and I went to Aunt Lexxie's bridal shower in Pennsylvania. We had such a great time with them, even though it was such a short trip! Aly loves them so much!
One evening, before I put Aly to bed, I specifically told her not to talk to Fynn because he was already asleep...Ten minutes later I hear, "Fynnyyyyyy, Fynnyyyyyy, no more sleeping Fynn!!"
Papi asked Aly if she wanted to go to work with him one day, and she immediately and very enthusiastically said, "ha--noooo!"
Alynne wants to know what words say now. She constantly points to words and asks me what they say.
She can recognize (and spell) her own name, as well as Mami, Papi, and Fynnlan.
We've been teaching her Psalm 23 at bedtime, and one night she said, "Even though I walk through the park..."
We went to Brooklyn to watch the fireworks this year with friend's from church. It was the perfect view of the fireworks without the crowds! It was the first time Aly has seen fireworks. She was a little scared, but overall enjoyed them. That is until we got home and people started setting off fireworks on the street right outside our building. Aly was beyond terrified, and slept with us that night!
Aly has started learning about crosswalk signs. She knows all about the orange hand and the white person, and she loves to inform me when the change and what they mean. She even has her dolls obey crosswalks now.
She got a new doll house this month because her imagination has just exploded. She is constantly acting out little scenes with all of her dolls and toys. One night at dinner, she even sat there making her feet talk to each other having a whole conversation.
Aly finally gave some names to her dolls. Up until this point, things have always been "Baby" etc. She named her dollhouse dolls Thunder (boy) and Noah (girl).
Alynne will ask, "but what's that mean?" whenever I give her an answer that she doesn't understand.
A pretend lion lives in our house now. Sometimes he gets out of his kitchen cage, but he is mostly friendly with Aly. Haha!!
We took a couple trips to the pool last week. It was the first time Aly has been to a pool since she was an infant. She had a blast, but is still pretty scared of the water. She wanted to be held most of the time, even though she had a life jacket on.
We have had several fun adventures with friends this month--a puppet show, a circus show, zoo trip, splash pad, petting zoo at the library, and Brooklyn Bridge Park!
Aly is such a sweet, loving little girl. She is a joy to be around and at such a fun age right now!