Jackson Graham- Week 25
25 weeks old
Jackson is 25 weeks old today!
He is getting so big! We had a few first this week—first time sitting in the stroller, first time in the highchair. and first swing! He is loving being able to take part in these things, especially sitting at the dinner table with all of us!
It was a beautiful week, so we have spent a lot of it outside. Jackson is very content to sit and watch his siblings play at the playground and watch everything around!
Sleep has gotten a little better. He’s doing much better on the front end, but he’s still fussing early in the morning and needs to be moved to our room to not wake up Aly and Fynn. There has been a couple of nights where he has made it 8-8 in the kids’ room, so we’re getting there! During the day, he is very consistent, two long naps (1.5-2 hours), and a short nap before dinner (45 mins-1 hour).
Jackson is doing so great with feedings. We’re in a good rhythm, and I finally feel like my supply is leveled out.
Jackson loves to munch on his pointer finger and seems to have so much to say lately! He is content as can be, as long as someone is within sight! This week, he started pushing up onto his hands or elbows while on his tummy!
Love you, Jackson!