Luca Quinn- Week 26
26 weeks old
Luca Quinn is 26 weeks old and also 6 months old today! Luca has lived equal parts in New York, Oklahoma, and California, two months in each place. That is so wild to me, I certainly never imagined that would be the case! I sometimes get a little sad that he did not get to experience NYC at all, but I dream of the days will bring him back to visit his first home!
Here’s a letter for Luca’s half birthday!
Little Luca,
You are an absolute joy to have in our family! You are pretty content to just go with the flow…as long as someone is holding you or very close by. You cry perhaps more than any of your siblings, but that’s okay! Between Papi, me, and your siblings, someone is always quick to comfort you! We all love snuggling you and making you laugh. You have this amazing smile that takes up your entire face, and we can’t help but smile right back at you!
You are a great sleeper, even getting better with those naps now. Your preferred way to sleep is at the beach with the ocean as your sound machine. You often take 2.5-3 hour naps at the beach!! You love to suck on your two fingers, and you have started to sling your other arm across your face while you sleep. I take hundreds of pictures of you sleeping because I think you are just the cutest little sleeper!
Since you were born during a pandemic, very few people have actually met you! That seems so wild to me, but we are doing our best to protect your little self. I always say you’re our best kept secret ;)
And even though most people have not met you, you are still so so loved by so many!
Time is absolutely flying by with you. Some days I wish it would slow way down or that I could just bottle up these moments with you. So I try to soak up each and every moment with you. I try to hold you a little longer; I’m still dreamfeeding you because I am just not ready to give up middle of the night sleepy snuggles from you!
We are just so grateful for your life, and we thank God for you every day!
Love you dearly our little puka shell!