Jackson Graham- 17 Months Old
I decided to write a little post on Jackson because he is changing so much these days, and there are so many things I want to remember about this season with him!
First of all, Jackson has made huge strides developmentally. After a lot of hard work in physical therapy, Jackson started walking in the past month! He is doing so well now, and it is so fun to see him explore a whole new side of things. He’s able to play a little more at playgrounds, join in on museum trips, and overall just explore more! Check out this video of his very first steps! Jackson was bawling and barely making it a step before collapsing during physical therapy. Then Ron came home with Shake Shack, and Jackson took his first steps for a french fry!!
Jackson’s first steps
About 2 weeks ago, Jackson said his first word, which honestly, now I can’t even remember what it was because he has a whole slew of words now in such a short time! Before this new development, he pretty much just made a “ba” sound for everything. Then one day the words started coming! Jackson can now say uh-oh, ball, bye bye, Aly, wow, more, book, tons of animal sounds, and most recently, Mama. On Monday night, I came home, and Jackson came around the corner and emphatically said, “Mama!!” and came and hugged my leg. It completely melted my heart!
Overall, Jackson is playing more and more, and learning how to interact with toys and people so well! We are so proud of him. Jackson has come so far in 6 months time!
Jackson is obsessed with dogs. Most days when I get him up from his crib, he immediately says, “woof, woof!” He has a little stuffed dog that he loves to bring with him anytime he is in the stroller. And whenever he sees a dog on the sidewalk, he reaches out for it and kicks excitedly. Ron says it means we need a dog ;)
Jackson also really loves to read. All day long he brings me books to read to him, and his attention span has gotten pretty good. Some of his favorite books are Moo, Ba, La La La, Are You a Cow, Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You Hear, Hand Hand Fingers Thumb, Away We Go, and Animal Numbers. He also loves to look through Aly & Fynn’s books. And of course, he now spends most of his independent play time pulling down every book he can reach and looking through them all. I love that we are raising another little book worm!
Jackson still takes 2 naps a day. Though after this week, I feel like we may be getting close to dropping to one nap soon. But overall, J is a great sleeper. He takes two 1.5-2 hour naps a day and sleeps 12 hours at night.
In the past month, Jackson got sick 3 times. The first time was a pretty nasty stomach bug. It was so tough watching such a little guy be so sick! J slept on a little pallet on the living room floor next to me that night. He was so miserable, poor guy!
Jackson is still such a joyful little guy. He is almost always happy, except for when I am making dinner and he stands at the kitchen gate crying for 30 minutes!!
Jackson has become very attached to me in the past month. He is going to be in for quite the awakening in a month when his brother joins our family! But I am confident that J will be such a good big brother. He is so calm and easy going!
J loves to play with Aly and Fynn, and he loves when they’re home and he can follow them around. He is starting to voice his opinions more, getting upset if toys are taken from him or if he can’t take something from someone else!
Jackson loves to give open mouth kisses, usually just to Papi :)
Jackson, time is flying with you! I cannot believe you are almost a year and a half old! It’s so fun to see you walking and talking now. We’ve wondered what your little voice would sound like, and it is just the cutest thing! Every day you are turning more and more into a toddler and less of a baby. What a joy it is to be your mother and watch you grow. I love spending my days with you, the one-on-one time is something I’ll always cherish! We all love you so much, Little J!