Luca Quinn- Week 13
13 weeks old
Luca is 13 weeks old and also 3 months old today! Luca is such a joy to have in our family :D Luca got to meet Grandpa a couple of weeks ago, so he has now met all of his grandparents! We are continuing to be very cautious with the Coronavirus, so Luca has met very little people at this point! But Luca is content to spend his days at home with everyone doting on him!
Luca still nurses every 3 hours. I dreamfeed Luca before I go to sleep. After that, I think I’ve gotten a couple of nights where he’s only woken up once to eat, which was so wonderful but certainly not the norm! I am hoping it’ll become more consistent soon.
Luca is quite smiley these days! And he also loves to coo. It is one of my favorite things to take turns smiling and cooing with him! Luca also found his hands and loves to munch on them. When Luca is awake he wants to be held. He does not like tummy time, and he will only slightly tolerate it if we have him do it on our chest or legs. Oh and the other day, Luca pooped on Ron’s arm :D
We started sleep training last week. Luca has been a champ! Though I do think that fourth time around, we know what we’re doing haha. Pretty much by Day 2, Luca was a napping champ. Where previously, we had to constantly pacify, hold, rock, and wear him all day long, he now naps 3 times a day with out any issue! He takes two 2 hour naps and then a 45 minute nap. He was never a poor nighttime sleeper, so not much has changed there, still just waking to eat!
Not much else to report on quarantined Luca, but here are lots of pictures over the past 3 weeks!