Fynnlan Seeley- 6 Years Old

Fynnlan is 6 years old today! It is hard to believe that our baby boy could possibly be this big already :)
Here are some things from the past year!
Fynnlan finished up TK here in California and started Kindergarten this fall. He is loving being back in person at school. It’s crazy to think that nearly a third of his life (and probably the majority of his memories) so far has been in a Covid world. But he always takes the craziness of life in stride.
Fynn is a very bright and creative child. We have been working hard on learning to read this year, and he’s really hitting his stride now! He’s just starting to pick up books unpropmted and read them on his own, which has been so fun to see. He still prefers to read to Papi or be read to by Mami, which are great things too.
One of the things I love most about Fynnlan is his imagination and ability to create things. Wow. The things he makes out of legos or builds out of pencils, marker caps and scraps of paper, it’s pretty remarkable. He has an eye for things in such a way that neither Ron nor I do. I can’t wait to see where that takes him in the future!
Moving to a new state and starting a new school has meant lots of changes, but Fynnlan is always so friendly and kind to everyone he meets. It’s been fun to see him start making some friends now that school is a bit more normal!
At home, Fynnlan is unseperable from Aly. These two were close pre-Covid, but man oh man are they close now. They play together nonstop and then when they have to separate, Fynnlan always let’s out a great big whine of not having enough time with his sister. They love to play little legos together, games, puzzles, art, or Fynn’s favorite—stuffed animals.
Sometimes Fynnlan will decide to play with his little brothers too, and it’s so sweet when he does. He and Jackson love to be silly and run around together. And he is always very sweet with Luca.
Just 2 days ago Fynnlan got another little brother! This whole pregnancy we thought Anders would be Aly’s birthday buddy, but turns out, he’s Fynn’s birthday buddy now! Fynnlan was over the moon when he found this out and told us that it was his secret plan all along!!
This year Fynnlan tried out T-ball in the Spring and absolutely loved it. We had such a blast cheering him on each week. Currently he is playing soccer and loving it as well. It’s such a fun age with him right now.
Fynn is also really mastering swimming. He loves being in the water now, which is just crazy to see considering how far he has come. He loves boogie boarding in the ocean with Aly. Over the course of the past year, he’s gone from needing to hold someone’s hand in the ocean to us telling him he’s too deep in the ocean and needs to come back closer haha. He’s embracing the Cali life! He even requested a surfboard for his birthday this year :)
Fynnlan also really loves to ride his bike and wants to learn to ride a skateboard next….this kid is just very active all the time!
Right now, Fynn wants to be a construction worker and a mad scientist when he grows up. He only wants to be a construction worker long enough to build himself a mansion, and then from there he’ll be a mad scientist. He hopes to create a carnivorous plant that can eat up viruses and make the coronavirus go away through his creation.
He is also currently working to create his own company called FreePlay. It’s a company where all grownups get paid to play with their kids and grandkids. Ask him to see his business model, it’s solid.
My Dearest Fynnlan,
Today you are 6 years old! Wow, how time flies. Even just thinking back over this past year and looking at pictures, I can’t believe how much you’ve grown up. You are such an incredible young man. You have such strong compassion and empathy for those around you, always eager to befriend everyone. Anyone who knows you knows what a joy you are to be around. You are always eager to chat with anyone around, and you love to share your ideas with people. Mostly, you just genuinely care about others and this world and want to make a difference in it already, and boy do I love that about you! I can’t wait to see where life takes you.
We’ve had some medical scares with you this year that have been scary for Papi and I, but we are so grateful for your life each and every day. We’re trying not hover over you too much and not stifle your free-spirited self, but being a parent is so tough! I’m learning more and more how much trust in God it requires.
I’m currently in the hospital because I just had Anders (who you are beyond ecstatic to share a close birthday with!). Boy, I wish I could hug you today and tell you in person just how much I love you. But don’t worry, I’ll smother you with hugs and kisses soon enough!
I love you, Fynnlan. Can’t wait to see what Year 6 holds for you!