Alynne Tiffany- Week 35
35 weeks old
Miss Alynne Tiffany is 35 weeks today! This week was a much more chill week than we've had in quite some time! Ron and I took time to have a date night, we had a family day in the park, and mostly just relaxed. I have had a bit of a cold these last couple of days, and I must say that Ron has been beyond helpful with taking care of Aly and the apartment! Alynne and I are seriously blessed to have him in our lives.
We got to have an impromptu photo shoot with our dear friend Liz Castro this week. We love spending time with her, and you can see some of her amazing photos at the bottom!
Alynne can now get down from the standing position with ease. So we are able to breathe a little easier!
Aly has learned object permeance well! We play a game during our morning snuggle times where I hide under the blanket and then she without fail comes and digs me out! Can't mommy sleep just a few more minutes? ;)
I think she has officially dropped down to two naps a day, unless it's just been a weird day, and then she might sneak her catnap back in.
The doctor said that her teeth should be coming through within the next week, so we'll see what happens!
Everyday Ron and I are just amazed at all that our little girl is learning and doing. She really is just an amazing gift!!
Also, we are getting ready to go on our first family vacation to the Bahamas this weekend, so next week's post will be a little delayed :)
Here are some pics from this week!